Through the love story of Samson, 

who couldn't help revealing his secret and destroyed himself with blind love toward Delilah, 

we can read the love of God for us. 

Samson's achievement, his failure (in appearance), and his death 

depicts the life of Jesus Christ. 

* Correction: 

I believe I was wrong to say '기생 들릴라 (Delilah, a prostitute)' @5:00, 

for the Bible doesn't say Delilah was a prostitute. Sorry for that. 

cf. And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah (Judges 16:4, KJV)

Download the script : 

19. 사랑이 배신할 때 (Love Story of Samson).pdf

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[KoBible]18. 라합의 붉은 줄 (Scarlet Cord of Rahab)

Who was Rahab? 

How could Rahab and her family survive during the Battle of Jericho?  

What does the scarlet cord of Rahab represent? 

Download the script file : 

18. 라합의 붉은 줄 (Scarlet Cord of Rahab).pdf

Curation : 라합의 믿음 

Posted by KoBible

[KoBible] 17. 장대에 달린 놋뱀 (Brass Serpent on the Pole)

Moses set the brass serpent upon a pole and let the Israel people look at it. 

Whoever bitten by vicious snakes could survive if only they looked up the serpent on the pole, which represented the Messiah on the cross, suffering for our sins.

Curation : The Bronze Snake

Download the script : 

17. 장대에 달린 놋뱀 (Brass Serpent on the Pole).pdf

Posted by KoBible